($>) Terminal Shell - Teamspeak Rules [v1.2.3 | 2023-06-21] 0. Authority structure a. This server is owned and paid for by Prismic (Mike/Mwr247), and provided at his discretion for general use by his friends and their friends. Please keep it limited to that. b. Prismic is the ultimate authority here. Iridescent, Etrius, then Rio are next in command. If they set a rule, then it's a rule you need to follow, because I trust them to do so justly. c. The Supervisors and Moderators are likewise trusted to carry out day-to-day handling of people's interactions. If they ask you to do something, you should probably listen. d. Regulars are community friends who come on regularly, usually for/with a specific person. Members are those who have been involved for a long time and are self-connected here. Senior Members are trusted long time members. Veterans are inactive members from the ZS days. e. If you are entrusted with powers and abilities, you also have the responsibility to represent the community well by upholding the rules and not abusing your position. f. While we try to take a laid back approach to community interactions and infractions, repeated offences are a quick way to find yourself restricted, kicked, or banned. g. If you have a problem with the above, please don't hesitate to come talk to me ("Mwr247" on Steam). 1. Be respectful to people a. No antagonizing people. If people are getting frustrated or angry, step away. Don't cause trouble. If people are getting reasonably annoyed with something you're doing, stop. b. Avoid noise spam in general. You are responsible to mute your mic from irrelevant noise/static, and expect to be moved out or muted if in violation. c. When you join a channel or return from away, listen before you speak (no soundboarding, yelling, etc). Other conversations may already be going on before you join. d. The first people in a channel have the priority for the channel and the conversation. If they ask you to leave, then leave. e. This space is shared by several different subcommunities. Remember to be respectful, and that each has the same right to be here as the other. f. If you have the ability to move people around, don't abuse it. Especially don't move people into other's channels with no justification. g. If someone is not comfortable with a conversation (including but not limited to: vulgar, sexual, gory, etc), respect that. Either drop it, go elsewhere, or warn them to leave if you intend to continue. 2. Respect intended channel purposes a. The Lobby is the entry point for most people, particularly newcomers first getting set up. As such, please utilize other channels for hanging out instead. b. Lounges are for casual conversations/hanging out. If you are playing a game that requires communication/commentary, use a Game Room instead. c. Media Rooms are for people watching/listening shows/movies/music/etc collectively. Request permission to enter from those present, and when you enter, do so respectfully. d. Private Chat is for personal/private conversations. Do not join unless invited, and don't use as a normal lounge for casual conversations. e. Game Rooms are for playing games together in a group, since games tend to require constant communication that can be disruptive to other conversations. r. Do not join Competitive Rooms unless you are actively playing with the group, or if they have given you permission to enter. If you are solo playing competitive, use AFK instead. g. Central Dogma is for members and above, Terminal Dogma is for mods and above. Try to avoid using these unless you need an escape or have a specific purpose to do so. h. AFK and idle kicking exists so that rooms can be used by all. If everyone in a channel is AFK, expect to be moved to the AFK channel. 3. Consequences for rule violations a. These consequences are guidelines, not a contract. While we hold those with the power to enforce the rules to abide by these in general cases, there may be exceptions. b. The first step should be personal confrontation. If you have a grievance, talk to those involved directly and try to reach a compromise in patience and grace, especially since some issues (voice activation noise) may not be presently obvious. c. For those with the power to enforce the rules, warning should almost always be the first step, except for particularly egregious violations. d. After warning will generally come one-on-one confrontations, kicking, and loss of privileges, depending on the situation. e. If the above has not worked, or for particularly egregious violations, banning will be the next step taken. Temporary from moderators, and up to permanent from supervisors and above. === Changelog === [v1.2.3 | 2023-06-21] Inserted rule 1d to clarify member ranks, and updated capitalization in 1c. [v1.2.2 | 2023-01-18] Inserted rule 3b to add a personal confrontation step, and modified 3a and 3c to refer to those with power to enforce more broadly. [v1.2.1 | 2022-05-04] Inserted rule 2d to describe the new Private Chat room. [v1.2.0 | 2022-04-19] Rewrote 2b (lounge), removed 2c (open mic) and added part of it to 1b, moved 2d (media rooms) to 2c and rewrote slightly, and made a new 2d (game rooms). Also updated 1c to include noise spam when returning from away, and updated 1g for wording. [v1.1.2 | 2021-04-30] Reverted update v1.1.1, removing the Thunderdome and references to it (wasn't really needed or used). [v1.1.1 | 2020-10-08] Inserted rule 2g to describe The Thunderdome as immune to rule 1g, and modified rule 1g noting the exception. [v1.1.0 | 2020-10-04] Added rule 1g to make a more welcome environment, inserted rule 0d on expectations, and added rule category 3 along with rules 3a-d defining potential consequences. [v1.0.1 | 2020-07-19] Amended rule 2e to specify that Competitive Rooms are intended for groups, not solo games. If you are playing and don't want to be disturbed, use AFK instead. [v1.0.0 | 2020-06-10] Original rules released.